How do I place an order on

To make a purchase from, just follow the instructions below!

  1. Visit our Online Shop and choose the products you want to purchase – you can add them to your Wishlist or add them to the Compare function that allows you to compare different products! When you’ve made your decision, just add the products you want to your Cart!
  2. Check out your Cart to see all the items you want to purchase. Here, you can view all the items you have chosen. You can choose to remove some items or to continue to Checkout.
  3. If you have a coupon code you’d like to use, simply type it in the text box supplied near the bottom of the Cart and click the “apply coupon” button.
  4. The system will then lead you and ask you for your billing information, shipping information, shipping method and payment method!

If you have a account, please make sure to sign in to the shop before making your purchase. That way, you can make sure you have access to any available piggies before checkout!

Shop now!

written on 2010-03-30 in #shop